Monday, 6 April 2009

Some Advice for TV Schedulers

In the Radio Times letters page this week there was a lady berating the schedulers for missing out on an opportunity on Mother's Day, claiming that they should have broadcast "romcoms, black and white weepies" and "musicals".

This sparked a germ of interest for me, because I think she's onto something.
Obviously Christmas is already sorted, with the classics like "Miracle on 34th Street", "It's a Wonderful Life" etc.
But what about celebrating other "special" days, for instance Father's Day? I guess the obvious choices would be war films, cool oldies like "The Italian Job" and Crime thrillers where some blonde shows her gash (probably this one in HD - and after the watershed).

Easter will have "Harvey", "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" and "Chocolat". [ - it's a religious festival? Are you sure?]

Some less-well known ones:- "International Talk Like a Pirate" day (pretty obvious this one - "Pirates of the Caribbean" and anything with Robert Newton in it), or how about IT Systems Administrators Day (easy - "Hackers" and the "Matrix" trilogy)?

Then there's my personal favourite - May the 4th - Star Wars Day.
Job's a good'un!

Friday, 3 April 2009

The Apprentice is back - yippee!

Oh gods how I love The Apprentice! There are hundreds of reasons why this programme should be complete shit, and yet, it is without doubt, the jewel in the back passage of reality TV.
I just love the way they cock everything up so masterfully. They are experts in their field of whinging; from their pathetic "I am the best of da best blah blah" to their last pout before "Sralan" points his beautifully manicured finger. And then the piece of resistance: "The Apprentice - You're Fired" poking fun at the contestants straight after.

I cringe, I laugh, I pundit on business matters (hindsight is such a wonderful thing), and ultimately I go to work the next morning and talk about it. It's a show to share, with stupid inane "to camera" comments that "You're Fired" store up for the contestants final demise: my favourites this week were James telling us his relief at not being fired led to another sort of relief ("it was only a little bit") and Howard's inane "business speak", who claimed to have done his best to "upwardly manage a floundering team leader".
I nearly wet myself too!
Meanwhile, on the other team, Yasmina tarted up her pikey, catmeat tuna with "fresh baseel" and "motzayellargh", while Kate's pitch about canopies [sic] was a classic ("bruschetta which is - always a favourite"). Her face was a picture .

What I love about the show is they haven't tried to "Big Brother" it and introduce all sorts of desperate rules, they just rely on the comic value of the contestants; again, not like BB contestants, who are merely irritating. Add Margaret and Nick to the mix and some very clever editing, and you have TV heaven.

The upshot of this is I can't wait for next episode, unlike some reality programmes when I can't wait for the network to pull the plug.

Other reality shows are available, but shit.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

A kite is for life....

When I mention that I'm a kiter to friends and colleagues I normally get one of two reactions: they either look at you as if you've stolen some little kiddy's toy, or they look at you as if you're completely barking (cos you must've stolen some kid's toy). Either way they can't wait to get away from you.

If you speak to people who've seen you whizzing up and down the common or beach, they have a somewhat different view: they say things like "Wow, that looks fun!"

It's obvious there's a big difference between people's perceptions of kiting and the reality; it's perceived as big boys playing with silly toys, whereas it is in fact, big boys playing with dangerous toys.

Despite the fact that kiting can be dangerous, my partner, when I come home from a session, asks questions like
"did you have a nice game?" and
"I hope you played nicely with your little friends".

And the answer is of course "Yes".