Wednesday, 1 April 2009

A kite is for life....

When I mention that I'm a kiter to friends and colleagues I normally get one of two reactions: they either look at you as if you've stolen some little kiddy's toy, or they look at you as if you're completely barking (cos you must've stolen some kid's toy). Either way they can't wait to get away from you.

If you speak to people who've seen you whizzing up and down the common or beach, they have a somewhat different view: they say things like "Wow, that looks fun!"

It's obvious there's a big difference between people's perceptions of kiting and the reality; it's perceived as big boys playing with silly toys, whereas it is in fact, big boys playing with dangerous toys.

Despite the fact that kiting can be dangerous, my partner, when I come home from a session, asks questions like
"did you have a nice game?" and
"I hope you played nicely with your little friends".

And the answer is of course "Yes".

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