Friday 27 March 2009

I was at the pub where I work last night and while collecting some glasses, I picked up the ripped up beer mats left by one of our younger female customers. I chucked them on the bar meaning to bin them when I got back but forgot. A little while later,Viv one of our regs, asked who'd ripped them. We started saying how annoying people's nervous habits are,
"Some people build geometric structures with them," says I, "at least that's a little more creative".
"There's probably a name for it like origami," says Viv.

By the time we'd finished the conversation we'd already got the first "world" championships sorted, and even thought about building a website to promote it.
So, if you want to enter the first Annual Matagami beermat challenge, drop us a line at:
3rd Barstool from the left,
You Know, the one with the funny stain on the cushion,

We were discussing some of our, shall we say, more unusual customers the other night.
One of our oddest was a chap that we affectionately nicknamed "Bullshit Bill" [name changed to protect the innocent]. Bullshit knew everything, he only had to read a pamphlet on table knives to be a weapons expert. He had been, among other things a racing driver, champion disco-dancer, faith healer (no, really) and medium. His spirit guide was none other than Elvis Presley!
Unfortunately, he changed his story - it wasn't Elvis but "Elvis". Turns out his guide was an Elvis impersonator! I wonder if he impersonated a spirit guide?

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