Monday, 23 March 2009

Welcome gentle reader

I once found a book in my local library called "How to Overcome Indecision" but I couldn't decide whether to take it out or not.

A bit like whether to write a blog: is it like the diary of your life that starts out on January 1st with a 200 word essay entitled "my day", and by February 1st already has 30 empty pages apart from an entry that reads "dentist 3pm"?

Okay so I've made my first decision - write a blog; next decision - what about?
Hmm, what am I interested in? Well that's easy: kiting and ranting.

Kiting is my joy in life, it's what makes me buzz and what calms me; it makes my heart race and adrenaline pump, but it also has a Zen quality about it that stills my soul.

That's enough of that: attempts at discussing this fascinating(?) extreme sport normally brings on a look of quiet desperation amongst my non-kite friendly friends, so I'll maybe only mention kites once or twice - per sentence!

So it's decided then: welcome to my rant!

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