The Devil's publicity machine rolls on: we've had Jade's death, we've had Jordan's response (What dya mean, I can't pretend I'm dying? So how about I divorce the appendage?), we've seen "SuBo" turn from a plain, frumpy nutter to a famously plain, frumpy nutter who will be $8m better off if the US tour goes ahead (or somebody will be, she'll probably be detained under Section 3 of The Mental health Act). One would think Satan couldn't think up any worse for humanity, well never underestimate the evilness-ness of Lucifer and his PR hordes.
Check out the Cyrus family's latest moneyspinner: Miley's (she of the bad songs, claims of bisexuality and race hatred) bug-eyed little sister Noah.
I can't quite put my finger on why this leaves such an unpleasant taste in my mouth.
Is it because these two children are dressed as prostitutes?
Is it Noah's lollipop head?
Or is it because it looks like the Red Bull advert the company didn't want you to see?
No, it's because it made me throw up!
This is the worst, most depressing example of what is wrong with this world. Not only does it make acceptable the sexualisation of children, it also promotes crass consumerism, making chidren think that the wearing of high fashion is not only ok, but a necessity. Not to mention Red bull abuse - she looks like she's about to go into caffeine meltdown! Oh, and who's peddling this kiddy porn by any other name? None other than Disney! You can make up your own mind over whether Disney is the Devil's own corporation, I'm not prepared to comment given the relationship between lawyers and the powers of darkness.
Do you think Noah (or Noie as she likes to call herself - WTF?) and her cousin Emily Grace Reaves (Ems) are cute and lovely? If so you can comment here.
They look like future prime candidates for Celebrity Rehab to me; just give me something heavy to throw at them.
BTW, talking of heavy: Ems, you've got a bit of a paunch in some of those swimsuit photos love, time to lose a few pounds, or Miss Lollipop Head won't want to be seen with you in public.
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