I know lots of people swear by their Dysons (to even have an opinion about a vacuum cleaner seems a little dodgy to me, but I'll come back to that later) but I think they'd have to do the cleaning themselves and make me a cup of tea to be worth the money a Dyson would set you back, so I was looking at something a little cheaper, say about £100-150.
Enter the Samsung er.. something or other (look, I don't know what flippin' model it is, unless it's got a cuddly name like "Sucky Bunny" or some such how am I supposed to remember?), same type of swirly technology and a five year - yes, that's right, FIVE years - full warranty, all for the princely sum of £129.99 with free delivery.
Now back to the geekiness of having an opinion about a vacuum cleaner. When I opened the box, I was greeted by.... a vacuum cleaner. OK, bit of an anti climax.
Let's rewind a bit and add some happening music; how about the theme from 2001 - A Space odyssey?
Right, when I opened the box, I was greeted by - Dah. - Dah. - Dah. -- DADAH!
A vision in shiny black,
I could blah blah on about it's suction wattage, and its decibels etc.etc. but - remote control! What more is there to say?
Oh yeah, and it nags you when it's full. Just like our washing machine nags us when it wants to be emptied.
Bizarrely, and rather ironically, I've heard that Playstation 3's are rather good at gathering dust (due to their static properties - I'm not implying that nobody switches them on), so maybe I've hit on something important. QED, or in this case QVC!
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